University Regulations and Policies
The Student Conduct Policy applies to the conduct of every individual student (undergraduate, graduate, Adult Students, etc.) from the time an offer of admission is extended and thereafter as long as the student has a continuing educational relationship with the University. The Student Conduct Policy covers conduct at all campus and at University-sponsored events, including but not limited to field trips, athletic events, and conferences.
Students who travel for academic, athletic, or other purposes for Indiana Tech are expected to treat property (hotel rooms, athletic venues, rental cars, eating establishments, etc.) and individuals in a respectful manner. Damage caused to property and/or injury to others due to an intentional act or act of negligence will be the sole responsibility of the student. Indiana Tech has the right to hold the student accountable for the financial ramifications of the student’s intentional or negligent acts, either through personal insurance or otherwise. Students participating in travel associated with Indiana Tech agree to indemnify Indiana Tech for all damages, costs, and attorney fees arising out of damage to property and/or injury to others caused by the student’s intentional or negligent acts, including costs and attorney fees associated with Indiana Tech’s efforts to obtain indemnification from the student.
The Student Conduct Policy may also apply to actions off campus when the Associate Vice President Student Services/Title IX Coordinator (or designee) determines that the off-campus conduct affects a substantial University interest, including posing a danger to health or safety, impinging on another’s rights or property or causing social disorder. The Student Code of Conduct is also applicable to guests of community members, whose hosts may be held accountable for the misconduct of their guests.
Finally, students who exhibit conduct that is contrary to the University Code of Ethics (Honesty, Accountability, Respect, and Professionalism), the University Core Values (Respect, Commitment, Honesty, Passion, Integrity, and Belonging), or the University Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion are also subject to conduct policy violation considerations.
The following are examples of actions that constitute misconduct for which students may be suspended or expelled from the university:
- Felonious conduct, regardless of where it occurs.
- Use or threatened use of physical force or violence toward another person through personal actions or participation in a group including rioting when the conduct is not deemed as self defense.
- Physical or verbal abuse directed toward a member of the university faculty, staff, or contracted employees (resident assistants, security, cafeteria personnel, vendors, etc.) that is threatening, degrading, or humiliating in nature.
- Violations of Title IX policy or the policy on sexual misconduct.
- Language or actions that do not support Indiana Tech’s mission of belonging and inclusion. These could include but are not limited to stereotypical words used to offend others based on group identities such as references of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disabilities, or physical anatomy. These actions or language is not required to have occurred on campus or during a campus event.
- Circulation of a false report or warning of crimes or other emergencies.
- Initiating false fire alarms or knowingly transmitting such a report to an official or official agency.
- Possession or use of illegal drugs, including synthetic versions, on university property. Being present and condoning the use or possession of drugs on university property through failure to report violations is also considered a serious violation of policy. Empty containers or “paraphernalia” are also prohibited. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Response and Prevention
- Possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons on university property. Pellet guns, paintball guns and BB rifles (including plastic versions such as air soft brands) are considered dangerous weapons. Students who are commissioned active duty police officers with an agency that requires them to be armed while off-duty must inform the lead faculty member and/or enrollment manager of the campus at which they will attend classes and provide evidence of the fire- arm requirement for this policy to be waived. The students also must inform the instructor of each class and will be expected to conceal the weapon while on campus.
- Possession or use of any dangerous substance or article as a potential weapon or possession of any article or substance calculated to injure or discomfort any person.
- Use or possession of pyrotechnics (fireworks), explosives, or the materials to create explosives on university property.
- Theft, vandalism, or possession of university property or property belonging to others.
- Major violations of academic policy as defined in the university catalog.
- Alteration or unauthorized use of university documents, records, identification or property.
- Acts of fraud including but not limited to credit card theft and use or identity theft.
- Violations of university policy during university sponsored travel as stated in introductory paragraphs.
- Any actions deemed by university officials to pose a hazard to the students, the community, or the academic process.
The following are examples of actions that constitute misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary sanctions; however, more severe cases may result in additional or more severe sanctions:
- Minor crimes as defined by local ordinances, state, or federal laws.
- Intentional actions that obstruct, disrupt, or physically interfere with the use of university premises.
- Shoplifting from Indiana Tech’s retail locations (dining, vending, gift shop)
- Failing to vacate any university facility or location when directed to do so by an authorized staff member of the university, security officer or agent of the university, or an emergency control device such as a fire alarm.
- Lewd, obscene, or vulgar actions or behavior considered inappropriate or offensive by normal society standards.
- Behavior involving forms of harassment, bullying, or threats that are verbal, written, or communicated through electronic media formats.
- Failure to comply with the directions of university officials and their agents acting in the performance of their duties. This includes resident assistants, security officers, faculty, staff, librarians and cafeteria personnel.
- Possession or use of alcoholic beverages on university property except in conjunction with an approved and licensed event or as outlined in the residence hall policy. During licensed events, proper photo ID is required and only licensed vendors may sell or distribute alcoholic beverages in accordance with state and local law. Empty containers (including boxes, bags, etc.) are also prohibited. For details on the university Drug and Alcohol Abuse Response and Prevention Information click here.
- Use of offensive language in community areas of the university including vulgar language, non-verbal actions and other behavior that would typically be deemed offensive under typical community standards in a University setting.
- Violations of the tobacco-free policy regarding use on campus or under age possession.
- Minor violations of academic policy as defined in the university catalog.
- Water fights or the usage of water guns inside university buildings.
- Violations of the campus computing acceptable use policy.
- Any actions deemed by university officials to pose a hazard to the students, the community, or the academic process.