NC-SARA Disclosure Statement
In accordance with the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) requirements, Indiana Institute of Technology (Indiana Tech) is authorized to offer distance education to students in the United States and its territories, including online programs and courses. NC-SARA provides a framework for the authorization of online education across state lines, streamlining the process for students and institutions.
Licensure and Certification Disclosure
Requirements for professional licensure in fields such as accounting, counseling, human resources and information technology differ by state. Indiana Tech provides students with guidance on state licensing requirements, and the university strives to keep this information up to date. However, because licensure regulations are subject to change, Indiana Tech strongly recommends that students contact the licensing board in the state where they plan to seek licensure before starting any academic program designed to prepare students for professional licensure.
Please note that completing an Indiana Tech program does not guarantee employment or licensure in a specific profession. Additionally, some states require a criminal background check, which could prevent licensure eligibility. Field experience sites may also require background checks before offering students a practicum or internship. Therefore, it is each student’s responsibility to assess whether any personal circumstances might affect their ability to meet these requirements.
For more information, please contact Indiana Tech at Students can also access additional information about NC-SARA and the authorization process at