Receive free tax preparation at Indiana Tech on Feb. 14 and March 31
February 6, 2018
If you or your family makes less than $54,000 per year, you can get free tax preparation at Indiana Tech and other sites within Allen, DeKalb, Noble and Steuben counties.
Indiana Tech is pleased to team up for a fourth straight year with The City of Fort Wayne, United Way of Allen County, Volunteer Center Fort Wayne and other groups to provide this service as part of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Volunteer tax preparers will be available to prepare, file and print both federal and state tax returns at various sites around the region now until April 11. See the fliers that accompany this post for more comprehensive information.
Indiana Tech will host two sessions in the Cunningham Business Center’s Star Bank Finance Lab, Room 110: on Wednesday, Feb. 14, from 3 to 6 p.m.; and on Saturday, March 31, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. These sessions will be by appointment only; appointments can be made by calling the United Way hotline 2-1-1 or 877.502.0700.
The VITA program is being offered at other sites within Allen County and in Auburn, Kendallville and Angola, through April 11. To get more information about Allen County sites, call 877.502.0700. For out-of-county sites, call 260.925.0917.
Because of the work done by the VITA program last year, nearly 3,000 tax returns were processed, saving participants nearly $500,000 in preparation fees. As a result, nearly $3 million in refunds was secured for participants.