Tech launches Ph.D. scholarship for community college faculty and staff
December 18, 2018
Indiana Tech has established a new Ph.D. Scholarship for faculty and staff members at community colleges nationwide. The new scholarship helps community college professionals earn their Ph.D. in an even more affordable manner, reducing tuition costs for eligible students by 20 percent. Faculty and staff members at any accredited community college who meet the program’s entry requirements are eligible to receive the scholarship.
Indiana Tech’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership program offers specializations in academic administration and organizational management, making it an ideal choice for community college faculty and staff seeking to expand their knowledge and advance their careers in higher education. Established in 2009, the Indiana Tech Ph.D. program has grown to include nearly 200 students worldwide, who value the program for its innovative leadership education and convenient online delivery.
Steve Herendeen, Indiana Tech’s vice president for enrollment management, notes “Indiana Tech has long partnered with community colleges around the country, including Ivy Tech here in Indiana, to serve students. We’re proud to introduce this new initiative to support hardworking and dedicated community college faculty and staff everywhere. By helping them advance their own education, our Ph.D. in Global Leadership scholarship program is a win-win—faculty and staff benefit by earning their doctoral degrees, and community colleges benefit by developing even more effective leaders.”
To learn more about the Indiana Tech Ph.D. Scholarship, and the Indiana Tech Ph.D. in Global Leadership program, contact Kristin Conley, MSL, director of Ph.D. admissions, at 260.422.5561, ext. 3417, or More information is also available at