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Healthy Minds Survey

Healthy Minds Survey (HMS)

According to the Healthy Minds Network, HMS is an online study of college students to collect data on campus mental health initiatives, stressors, and mental health concerns of students. Once the data is collected and reviewed by the Healthy Minds Network and college/university, new programs can emerge based on the student’s needs.

In April 2022, Indiana Tech administered the HMS to collect baseline data on our student’s mental health. Through the data collected, we have been able to identify concerns of our students and create programming and outreach to address those concerns. Since then, we have increased suicide prevention training to faculty, staff, and students, increased referral options for mental health services, and expanded our mental health services that is available at no cost to students.

Our plans are to conduct the survey in April 2024 for data comparison to ensure our increased efforts are having a positive effect on student mental health.

2022 / 2024 Data Comparission
